Surprise! Baby A is a...

From very early on in my client's pregnancy, I knew she was carrying a girl.  She and her husband had decided not to find out - they wanted to keep the experience a surprise, and welcome baby intimately, with a home birth.  Well, to say I couldn't be happier for these two is the understatement of the year!

As she grew closer to her guess date, I waited on pins and needles to see if my prediction, my instinct, would be confirmed.  Sure enough, on a Friday morning in March, I received the call to schedule the newborn session for a precious little GIRL.  (GASP! I was right!)  She was born on a bright, spring day, and we'll call her Baby A.

My client kept everything quiet as she labored at home with her husband into the wee hours of the morning.  She got the birth she prepared for, using the Hypnobabies technique (as I had with my second child), and calmly welcomed a baby girl earth side after a short 7-hour labor.  (For a first time mom, that is quite the accomplishment!)

got to snuggle this sweet girl at only a week old to capture her perfection.  The soft skin, new baby smell, and snuggly nature of this squish made my part of the arrangement easy!  She inspired me to play around with some beautiful spring flowers and vines.  I'm excited to share a few more captures of sweet Baby A for you to enjoy!